Itchy rash or red spots on skin, causes & treatment | Tibot


All the Itchy Rashes Are Not the Same, So, Treatments Are Different

Itchy Rashes Treatment

In general, rashes are the appearance of a change that causes the change in the color and in the texture of the skin. Rashes can be in many forms like scaly, bumpy, irritated, smooth, cracked, dry or moist, blistered and even painful itchy. This is a broad term in the medical field as this skin esion can vary in appearance and reason for the occurrence. So, there is a lot of variety in the treatment of rashes depending on the reason of causing it.

Itchiness is the irritating and uncontrollable feel or sensation which makes you to scratch. This types of feelings cause the itchy skin that is called pruritus. Rashes can be associated with this itchiness problem.

Rashes can spread out all over the body or can be seen in a small area. Millions of people get affected by different types of rashes around the world. Some rashes can be cured without treatment over time, some can be cured by home treatments, and some rashes may need medicinal treatments. In general, rashes are divided into two kinds like an infectious rash or noninfectious rash.

Different Types of Itchy Rashes

There are many skin diseases which causes itchy skin like eczema, dermatitis, Psoriasis, dermatographism, Atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, stasis dermatitis, diaper rash, psoriasis, hives, nummular eczema, drug eruption, athlete’s foot, flea bites, impetigo, head lice, ringworm, head lice, scabies etc.

  • Dermatitis: it is an inflammation of the skin that causes itching.
  • Eczema: it is a serious chronic skin disease that causes itchy skin.
  • Psoriasis: it is an autoimmune skin disorder that causes itchy skin with red and irritated plaques.
  • Dermatographism: it is caused by pressure on the skin that creates the red and itchy skin.
  • Atopic dermatitis: it is a common eczema type of disorder, generally, associated with asthma and hay fever that causes itchy and weeping rashes.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis: it is the most common types of scaly an itchy rash.
  • Contact dermatitis: it is a skin disorder caused by different types of allergens, chemicals or irritants and it causes weepy, oozy and itchy rashes.
  • Diaper rash: it is an itchy rash that is common for whom use diaper especially infants.
  • Stasis dermatitis: it is such weepy, oozy and itchy skin disorder that is caused by the poor circulation of the veins.
  • Hives: this causes red, itchy and bumpy skin disease characterized by the drug reaction.
  • Nummular eczema: this is a coin-shaped weepy, oozy and itchy skin plaque.
  • Drug eruption: these itchy rashes are caused by the drug reaction or the viral infection.
  • Athletes foot: it causes itchy, stingy, discolored blisters on the toes or soles of the foot
  • Flea bites: it causes itchy, red bumps on the skin.
  • Impetigo: it causes itchy, fluid-filled blisters commonly babies and infant.
  • Head lice: head lice cause itchy scalp for the feeling like something is crawling.
  • Ringworm: it causes itchy ring-shaped skin problem.

Some internal diseases cause itchy skin like bile duct obstruction, cirrhosis, anemia, leukemia, thyroid disease, lymphoma, kidney failure.

Some nervous diseases also cause skin itchiness like Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Shingles, neuropathy.


Treatments depend on the characteristics of rashes including the shape, arrangements, duration, distribution, history, and symptoms.

  • Medicines for itchy rashes are antifungals, sulfa-based antibiotics, narcotic painkillers, and anticonvulsant medicines.
  • On doctor’s suggestion, cool showers and the calamine lotion help to heal rashes and sooth the itchiness and redness.
  • In the severe cases, antihistamine pill decreases redness and itchiness.

Acts for Soothing Itchiness

Some itchy rashes can be cured without any treatment in a very little time, some take several days and some need medicines. Itchy rashes start to bother immediately when developed. Some act can help to heal this rash soon and these acts can be:

  • Trying not to scratch.
  • Going to a dermatologist early because it can help to take medicines based on the types of rash which can ensure early healing.
  • Using special moisturizers known as emollients on the doctor’s suggestion. It helps to keep the skin soft, moisturized and helps to sooth the itchy feel.
  • In the case rash which is caused by allergens, irritants, and drug or food, doctors try to find out the reason and then suggest avoid those substances.

Patients must visit doctor if itchy rashes are associated with a sore throat, pain in joints, animal or insect bite, red streaks near the rash, tender regions near the rash, a large collection of pus, quickly changing coloration on the skin, difficulty breathing or feeling like the throat is closing up, increasing pain or severe pain, high fever, confusion, dizziness, swelling of the face or extremities, severe pain in the neck or head, repeated vomiting or diarrhea.


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